I often joke with my co-workers on slow business days about how much of a struggle it is to remain productive. Some days I have no motivation to make calls, or sit in meetings or complete projects. Other days I feel like a well-oiled machine getting stuff done. But alas, the truth is, I lack consistency. I mean I love the feeling of being productive; i thrive off the accomplishing goals and completing tasks. So why then is it so difficult to remain productive on a more consistent basis?
The truth is productivity is a lifestyle just as much as it is a mindset. Yes, you have to set your mind on being productive, but you also have to set your life up in a way that fosters productivity. Whether you are wanting to get more accomplished in your day to day, are a busy mom juggling too much, or planning to start a business; I've provided 5 great tips to help you increase your productivity.
1.) Where's my planner???
The very first step to being productive is to write down your goals. I am a Planner gal myself so I write things I want to accomplish for that day, week and even month. As an artist something visual ALWAYS works best for me so writing my goals and tasks down in a planner I can stick in my bag is extremely effective. If you aren't a planner person try downloading an app in your phone, sticky notes at your work space or somewhere you frequent at home. There are many ways to plan out what you want to accomplish...but the first Write it down, and put it in plain sight.
2.) Deal with tomorrow today
Why wait for tomorrow to get started on tomorrow? You can take a few minutes before bed each day to think about what needs to be accomplished the next day. Make a mental list in addition to the one you write down. Prioritize your day and have an action plan to jump start tomorrow. For instance, you may have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow but pinpoint which task will jump start your day.
3.) Bagel and Coffee
It may sound cliche' but Breakfast truly in an essential meal in our day. You may not have time to whip yourself up a nice spread but its important to eat something for breakfast each day. Studies have shown how much of an impact a balanced diet has on our overall health. It is difficult to be productive if you cannot remain healthy. Plus the breakfast will give you the energy boost you need to take on the day.
4.) Unplugged
A big part of being productive is knowing how to eliminate distractions. For me Pinterest and Instagram are my biggest distractions. I can get stuck on Pinterest for hours. So knowing what distracts you the most is the first step to figuring out how to eliminate those distractions when needed to boost productivity.
5.) Help WANTED
If you're anything like me you don't like to ask for help. However, when it come to being productive you don not have to rely only on yourself and your capabilities. Delegation is the name of the game. Learning how to ask a friend, co-worker or partner to aid in tasks to help accomplish your goal is key. Put down the pride for a bit in order to get things done.
Although there are plenty of additional tips on how to increase your productivity remember that they are only effective when put into practice...and done so consistently.
You got this girl...let GET IT DONE!!
"Productivity is NEVER an accident, its the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort."- Paul Meyer